ar X iv : h ep - l at / 9 81 00 18 v 1 7 O ct 1 99 8 1 Non - perturbative Renormalization Constants using Ward Identities ∗
We extend the application of vector and axial Ward identities to calculate bA, bP and bT , coefficients that give the mass dependence of the renormalization constants of the corresponding bilinear operators in the quenched theory. The extension relies on using operators with non-degenerate quark masses. It allows a complete determination of the O(a) improvement coefficients for bilinears in the quenched approximation using Ward Identities alone. Only the scale dependent normalization constants Z P (or Z 0 S) and ZT are undetermined. We present results of a pilot numerical study using hadronic correlators.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : h ep - l at / 9 71 00 52 v 1 1 3 O ct 1 99 7 1 Lattice Renormalization of Quark Operators ∗
We have technically improved the non-perturbative renormalization method, proposed by Martinelli et al., by using quark momentum sources and sinks. Composite two-fermion operators up to three derivatives have been measured for Wilson fermions and Sheikholeslami-Wohlert improved fermions in the quenched approximation. The calculations are performed in the Landau gauge on 16 3 32 lattices at β = ...
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - l at / 0 01 00 56 v 1 2 8 O ct 2 00 0 1 Perturbative renormalization of the ∆ B = 2 four - quark operators in lattice
We present a perturbative calculation of the renormalization constants for the ∆B = 2 four-quark operators, which is needed to evaluate the bag parameters BB and BS in lattice QCD. The one-loop coefficients are calculated for the O(1/M) NRQCD heavy quark action and the O(a)-improved Wilson action for light quark. Using these coefficients, which remove O(αs/aM) error, we reanalyze our previous c...
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - l at / 9 60 81 44 v 1 2 8 A ug 1 99 6 1 Topics in Light Hadron Mass Spectrum in Quenched QCD ∗
Several topics concerning the light hadron spectrum are discussed. Flavor symmetry breaking effects and the problem of quenched chiral logarithm are examined with pion mass data for the Kogut-Susskind quark action, and light meson decay constants for the Wilson action calculated with non-perturbative renormalization constants are discussed. Results for quark masses are also given both for the K...
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - l at / 9 91 00 18 v 1 7 O ct 1 99 9 1 Perturbative two - and three - loop coefficients from large β Monte Carlo
Perturbative coefficients for Wilson loops and the static quark self-energy are extracted from Monte Carlo simulations at large β on finite volumes, where all the lattice momenta are large. The Monte Carlo results are in excellent agreement with perturbation theory through second order. New results for third order coefficients are reported. Twisted boundary conditions are used to eliminate zero...
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - l at / 9 90 10 18 v 2 3 A pr 1 99 9 The Kaon B - parameter with the Wilson Quark Action using Chiral Ward Identities
A lattice QCD calculation of the kaon B parameter BK is carried out with the Wilson quark action in the quenched approximation at β = 6/g2 = 5.9− 6.5. The mixing problem of the ∆s = 2 four-quark operators is solved nonperturbatively with full use of chiral Ward identities employing four external quarks with an equal off-shell momentum in the Landau gauge. This method, without invoking any effec...
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